Progress Report: February – May 2024

A report from the work of the Institute of Education Sciences (ISE), at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, towards advancing the digitalization of education in Morocco.

One of the VOLCANIC Project’s central aims is to advance the digitalization of education in Morocco. Our primary focus is on developing and enhancing courses for both in-service and pre-service teachers, enabling them to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms and teaching practices.

This report outlines our progress to date, including partnerships, activities undertaken, and future plans.

Partnerships and Collaborations
Our first step was to establish a partnership with the Office of Digitalization (GENIE) at the Ministry of Education in Morocco. This department is responsible for integrating technology in classrooms across Morocco. We initiated a series of meetings with the GENIE department team headed by Mrs. Ihlam Laziz.

During the initial meeting, we explored opportunities for collaboration between GENIE and ISE, which led to the organization of an in-person workshop on May 17th, 2024. This workshop, hosted by ISE, was attended by all heads of the various units within the GENIE department. The morning session featured presentations from both parties, where GENIE provided an overview of their ongoing work and future initiatives aimed at enhancing technology integration in education. We shared the goals, mission, and vision of the Volcanic Project, setting the stage for a collaborative effort to meet Morocco’s national objectives for digital education.

In the afternoon session, we focused on brainstorming and deliberating on how to conduct a gap analysis, comparing the current state of technology integration in Moroccan education with the desired future state. We also discussed the development of courses for in-service teachers, which will be a key component of our work going forward.

Activities Undertaken

1:       Literature Summary
In alignment with the VOLCANIC Project’s objectives, we conducted a literature review to assess the current state of digitalization in Moroccan education by analyzing nine research articles. From these articles, we extracted insights into both the current and desired future states of digital education. We proposed recommendations aimed at bridging the gap between the two.

2:       Survey Design
We received a survey instrument for data collection, which we adapted to better suit the Moroccan context. After making the necessary adjustments, we shared the revised survey with GENIE for feedback. GENIE provided further suggestions based on their experience with teachers and the school system, which we then validated with the ISE research team. The survey was subsequently translated into French and Arabic.

3:       Survey Distribution
GENIE offered to distribute the survey to all teachers within their database, enabling us to achieve broad coverage, particularly among those in government schools and rural areas. To incentivize participation, ISE-UM6P Team decided to offer phone airtime/data subscriptions as a token of appreciation to in-service teachers in rural areas who would complete the survey.

4:       Data Collection
Data collection is currently ongoing. The process is slow due to summer vacation. All teachers and teacher trainers were on vacation until the end of August. But this data collection is promising

Course Development
During the May 17th workshop with GENIE, we jointly decided to develop three courses for in-service teachers: Fundamentals of Digitalization, and subject-based courses in Mathematics and Sciences. These courses will be designed to incorporate digital tools and technology which GENIE collaborators have developed. The syllabi for these courses are currently being developed and are expected to be finalized by mid-September 2024.

Regarding the development of courses for pre-service teachers, we are in discussions with Foundation OCP[1] to establish a partnership aimed at improving pre-service teacher training. This collaboration will help us better understand the existing curriculum at teacher training centers across Morocco and enhance it in line with the goals of the VOLCANIC Project, particularly in areas such as digitalization, computational thinking, inclusion, and TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). We plan to pilot these courses in one of the teacher training centers upon completion.

The VOLCANIC Project has made significant progress since its inception in March 2024. Through strategic partnerships, thoughtful planning, and ongoing activities, we are on track to achieve our goal of advancing digital education in Morocco. We look forward to continuing our work and making a meaningful impact on the education system.


[1] Office Chérifien des Phosphates. It is a Moroccan state-owned company and the world’s largest exporter of phosphate and its derivatives