Holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering from the National High School of Electricity and Mechanics of the Hassan II University of Casablanca, and an Engineering Degree from the National School of Applied Sciences of the Hassan I University, Settat (Morocco).
Co-author of over 30 peer-reviewed publications; has designed over 13 accreditation programs; the founder & CEO of Accsellium LLC (an Analytico-Digital Transformation Agency); has delivered five IT projects in Software Engineering, Data Analytics and Digital Marketing to the industry.
His main research interests are the theory and applications of artificial intelligence, and his main teaching interests are Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Web Science.
Was a Director and Prof. at the Advanced Digital Technologies Department of the Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems High Private School (EPSINSIA), Casablanca; Director and Prof. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in the Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence School (EIDIA) at the Euro-Med University of Fez; and Computer Science Prof. in the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences (EMSI) of Rabat.