The Partners

The VOLCANIC team is composed of 9 partners: 3 from Israel (a College of Education, an Academic College and a Research Institute for Teacher Trainers); 3 from Morocco (2 HEIs – a Polytechnic School and a Higher Education School for Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems, and a Foundation – an NGO for excellence and creativity); and 3 EU member countries.

Israeli Partners


A teacher training college located in Beersheba, in Israel’s southern periphery. The college works with Bedouin population where tradition plays a central role with teachers’ intrinsic motivation to teach, and it operates a special Immersive Lab that allows students to experience different and exciting learning situations involving special sensory experiences of touch, voice and color.


A public institute that operates as an umbrella organization for Israel’s colleges of education, and is deeply involved in all aspects of Teacher-Training carried out in Israel’s Teacher & Higher Education systems. MOFET is strongly connected to the MOE, and to some extent it provides the means to establish educational policies regarding teacher training infrastructure in Israel.


Located in the western Negev – near the Egyptian border – the College serve as a beacon of light and a source of inspiration for many Israeli young students. The college serves over 8,000 students via the work of hundreds of excellent faculty members delivering innovative courses with a student-centered focus and providing the best in classroom, out of classroom and online education to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. Known for its centers of excellence in pre-academic, undergraduate, graduate, practical engineering and professional development programs, the College’s new and imaginative Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, has the potential to redefine the campus.

Moroccan Partners


A Higher Private School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems that specializes in scientific research with a focus on digital engineering and artificial intelligence. The school’s main mission is to cultivate the “mindset” of digital entrepreneurship through CT, and to train specialists in the professions of the future through initial engineering training, continuing education and certification programs.


Created in 2015 in Rabat, Morocco, the Tamkine Foundation for Excellence and Creativity is a non-governmental, not-profit organization. Tamkine resembles a growing community of diverse international skills and expertise, passionate and motivated, and aware of educational issues. Indeed, by supporting excellence and encouraging creativity, the Foundation contributes to the qualitative improvement of Education in Morocco and around the world, especially on the African continent, through a creative and innovative integration of ICT.


The UM6P, located in Benguerir, MoIsraeli, Morocco, is an institution with an applied research and innovation orientation, and a focus on Africa. The university, established by the OCP (Africa) foundation, holds programs for Executive Master in Education and Training Policies, and has recently established a training center for teachers who are trained to go out to rural areas near Benguerir to meet with school teachers and support their work with the use of ICT in their teaching.

EU Partners


KUL – the first university in Lublin and the oldest Catholic university in East-Central Europe, is one of the fastest developing universities in Poland. It offers academic courses for both Polish and foreign students, and employs a highly qualified academic staff that excels both as teachers and as researches in diverse domains of science.

UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA (Ulisboa), PORTUGAL – Project Coordinator

The largest university in Portugal and amongst the 200 best universities worldwide. Ulisboa comprehends 18 Schools, educational and research units with self-governing bodies, including the ‘Instituto Superior Técnico’ (IST) – the largest and most reputed school of engineering, science and technology in Portugal.


A public, international and research-intensive university that consistently ranks among the top five Spanish universities in terms of academic efficiency. UPF is the third Spanish University in the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking 2023, where it is the 16th world university among those younger than 50 years. it serves 12.600 students, of whom 25% are international.